by: 華南柯 (2011/06/17)
相關訪問內容,概譯如下,供諸位親友參考、指教 :
A):蔡英文說: 『我們(蔡英文與民進黨)希望中國了解,我們(台灣和中國)之間目前確實存在著對立與差異,他們(中國)必須學習去尊重彼此的差異。同時,他們也必須了解由於台灣的民主化,政黨輪替已經是一種常態。』
[We want to make China understand we do have oppositions, we do have differences for now, and they have to learn to respect the differences. And they also have to understand change in the government here in Taiwan, different political party in charge of the government has become something that is normal because of democracy.]
[Whatever in the past is passed, China has to look ahead, with new leadership and more sophisticated DPP, I think China will have to look at the matter from a fresh perspective, a new perspective.]
Q): 中國正在建航空母艦,擴充其海軍戰力。中國和其鄰近國家在南海的衝突升高,妳如何看待此事?
A):蔡答: 『你無法排除中國在軍事和政治的企圖心越來越大的可能性,還有因此引起和鄰近國家的友誼、關係產生問題。事實上,在這區域內所有可能引發的衝突,都應透過和平方式解決。包括我們和中國之間的衝突。』
[You can't rule out the possibility that it has come much more ambitious militarily and politically than before. Therefore, it will create problem in terms of friendship, relations with its neighboring countries. And in effect, all the possible conflicts in that area, has to be dealt with peaceful manners. Including the confronts we have with China. ]
A):蔡答: 『民進黨奮鬥了幾十年,才達成台灣今日的民主政治制度。我是民進黨的主席,我充分了解民主的重要。我們希望中國也享有民主化,如果我們能協助中國發展(民主),我們很樂意。』
[I am the leader of a party struggling for decades to reach the stage of democracy in Taiwan, We fully understand the importance of democracy. And we hope China can have democracy as well, If there is a way for us to assist the development(of democracy) in China, we are more than happy to do that.]
[馬: 他們故意扭曲我的意思?]
[Listen to the BBC's interviewing Tsai, we can be more sure that 小英 has a very strong and firm belief in democracy. She will never subjugate herself to China, begging China for favor and help like Ma. Her answers to the questions are terse, clear, powerful and to the points. The most important thing is that she understands what she is talking about. She expresses herself very well. And we can be sure she does not need someone else to explain all the misunderstandings or wrongful interpretations during the interview, which Ma keeps doing.]
That's not what I meant.
The video of the interview is attached as follow: